Nelson Mandela ricoverato in ospedale

L’anziano leader sudafricano e Nobel per la pace Nelson Mandela è stato ricoverato in ospedale. Lo riferiscono le principali agenzie di stampa senza ancora precisare il motivo del ricovero. Leader del movimento anti-apartheid tra gli anni Settanta e gli anni Novanta, è stato il primo presidente di colore del Sudafrica dopo la fine del regime segregazionista, sancita da Wilem de Klerk, ultimo leader bianco del Paese. Eletto nel 1994 è rimasto in carica fino al 1999 ed è tutt’ora una delle figure politiche di riferimento del Sudafrica e dell’intero continente africano.

Secondo la Abc si tratta di “test”. “South African President Jacob Zuma says that former President Nelson Mandela has been admitted to hospital in Pretoria to undergo tests. Zuma issued a statement Saturday saying that Mandela is “doing well and there is no cause for alarm”. Mandela, 94, is frail health and has not made public appearances for a few years. Stessa notizia ripresa dalla Bbc. “South Africa’s former leader Nelson Mandela has been admitted to hospital in the capital Pretoria to undergo tests, officials say. The office of President Jacob Zuma said 94-year-old Mr Mandela was doing well and there was “no cause for alarm”. Mr Mandela spent more than two decades in jail under the white minority apartheid regime. He served as South Africa’s first black president between 1994 and 1999, and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Mr Mandela has appeared in public only rarely since 2004, when he retired from public life. In January 2011 he was treated for a serious chest infection, and a year later underwent a diagnostic procedure for an abdominal problem.