Wakayama, tenta di baciare sulla fronte ragazza arrestato Vincenzo De Maio

Il nostro connazionale di 40 anni è stato tratto in arresto dalla polizia nipponica di Wakayama, vicino a Osaka, per aver tentato di baciare sulla fronte una ragazza di 21 anni.

E’ successo su un treno della JrKisei Line in quello che, secondo gli inquirenti, potrebbe configurarsi come un caso di molestie in base alla normativa di contrasto agli “atti osceni”.

Vincenzo De Maio, in base a quanto rivelato dalla polizia locale, è in Giappone da fine febbraio con un visto turistico. La giustificazione del gesto sarebbe stata quella di “un semplice saluto, ignorando che potesse essere contrario alle norme giapponesi”.


Ecco quanto scrive tokyoreporter.com

WAKAYAMA (TR) – Wakayama Prefectural Police on Wednesday arrested an Italian male after he allegedly kissed a woman with whom he was unacquainted inside a train in Gobo City. The suspect is believed to have also been involved in a series of similar incidents, reports the Asahi Shimbun (March 6).

At 5:48 p.m., Vincenzo DeMaio, 40, kissed the hand of a 21-year-old woman seated inside a train car on the JR Kisei Hon Line between Iwashiro and Minabe stations.

DeMaio, who has been charged with violating a public nuisance ordinance regarding obscene acts, has reportedly admitted to the allegations. “There is no question that I kissed her,” the suspect is quoted by officers from the Gobo Police Station. “I did not know that (such an act) was in violation of the law in Japan.”

According to Sankei Sports (March 6), police had been on alert around Gobo after receiving a number of reports about a foreigner who had been kissing young women.