Categories: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Thanks to Cividale

Sunday, September 16th, I was in the City of Cividale (Lombard city for excellence) for a photo shoot that I had to use for an editorial. To my surprise, in the beautiful  Deacon square I attended the exhibition of  the military band of Welsh Army: Regimental Band of the Royal Welsh. The event was organized by the Section of ANA Cividale “Monte Nero-A.PICCO” whose president is Mr. PierLuigi Parpinel, and the City of Cividale – City Ducale – that for thease events has become more importan than Udine, which organizes only the Fiera di Santa Caterina, Friuli DOC In that beautiful and  romantic square, there were many  Italians boy and Austrians and tourists visiting the beautiful Lombard city. The band begins to play with its festive notes, the Director, Major Denis Burton after submitting the same to the immense audience present honors Italy with “Lucean the stars” by Giacomo Puccini: really exciting, really poetry, much applauded. It was very hot and observing the members of the band I was wondering how they could bear their uniforms, because some  of them very discreetly tried to wipe the sweat from their face. To embellish the band there were a few  wemen as good as the other membersb of the other band. It ‘a shame that for technical reasons, the amplification could not work well, but everything went well, it was great. It was difficult to see the face of the great master Major Denis Burton covered by his hat. He was applauded for a long time, he finally dedicates  all of us the most beautiful piece of music repertoire Neapolitan: O sole mio ! The Regimental Band of the Royal Welsh consists of 50 elements, all reservists and volunteers from Newport (Wales),it  originates from the Band of the Welsh Volunteers formed in 1967. Assumed its present name in 2006, and the Royal Welsh Regiment was created from existing departments. the Band of the Royal Welsh Regiment performs on several occasions of military parades and has an extensive repertoire. This important band organizes concerts and sporting events, and it is the only and perhaps the last full ensemble of brass that still only work in the Forces British Armed. When the band performs at external events can count on the presence of a set of trumpets and drums, and a choir that performs traditional songs of Wales. The band is directed by Major Denis Burton. It has participated in numerous events abroad in particular, Belgium, Germany, France, Canada and Australia. The Band & Drums are off to Italy this week, For Their Annual Camp Including concerts in Palmanova, Cividale and Trieste.


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